martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

There is/ There are (3º)

- There is: hay. Nombres en singular o incontables.
- There is a table: Hay una mesa.
- There is a chair: Hay una silla.
- There is some water: Hay agua.
- There isn't: no hay.
- There isn't a table: No hay una mesa.
- There isn’t a chair: No hay una silla.
- There isn’t any wáter: No hay agua.

- There are: hay. Nombres en plural.
- There are four tables.: Hay cuatro mesas.
- There are five chairs.: hay cinco sillas.
- There aren't: no hay.
- There aren't six tables.: No hay seis mesas.

1º) Complete: There is/ there are.
- There is (hay): a/an (un/una)
- There isn’t: no hay.
- There are: cuando es plural (lleva la s).
- There aren’t: No hay

1.  There are …. balloons (globos). 
- There aren’t balloons. No hay globos. 

2.  There is …a girl with curly hair.
 - There isn’t a girl with curly hair. No hay una chica con pelo rizado.

3.  There is.. a man with glasses. 

4.  There are … chairs.

5.   There are … cars.

6.  There is.. food (comida).

7.  There are. tables. 

  1.       There are three cats
  2.       There is an apple.
  3.       There are books on the table.
  4.       There is a supermarket.
  5.       There are two windows.
  6.       There is a girl.
  7.       There are five cars.
  8.       There is milk.
  9.       There are four pencils.

  10.     There is a table. 

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